Wednesday 26 May 2010

Entry No# 03 Fist of Glory

Sweet God. I mean, sweet God.. I can't tell if the bandana wearing guys head has been Photoshopped on or not.. but either way this has to be one of the most derivative box artworks I've seen for a while. Explosions? Check. Guns? Check. Soldiers? Check. Military-esque 'Stencil' Font?. Check. The only saving grace, if you can call it that is the unintentionally hilarious title. Perhaps a new tagline would help.. 'Fist of Glory - elbow deep in the apocalypse'.. or 'Fist of Glory - Uncle Sam's gonna wear you like a flesh glove!'

IMDB synopsis: Nope. But there is a review...
''What the hell is this movie supposed to be? The first thirty minutes were of soldiers fighting in Vietnam. It featured some of the worst action sequences ever. People died before explosions went off, every NVA soldier was willing to drop his gun, and participate in some karate fighting, and like the Japanese in bad WWII movies, the Vietmanese soldiers had American weapons and vehicles. Aside from the crap action, the setting sucked as well. It was extremely obvious the movie was filmed in a forest on the northern seaboard.

The next forty minutes were just plain crap. A soldier returns to Vietnam, to visit an old friend still their. The remainder of the movie has some dumb plot about drug dealers and guns.

This movie was terrible. The acting, setting, plot, characters, and everything else sucked. Don't bother even looking at the box. It you saw it and thought it was an underrated Vietnam action movie, slap yourself.''
Seems the flick lives up to it's awful box art then.. Seen the movie? Know something about it? Drop a comment below.

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