Wednesday 26 May 2010

Entry No# 04 Death Cheaters

Ok, now this one is just pure ugly. Yes, I'm sure there's been a decent amount of fading on the original colours, but either way that does not excuse the hideous composition and execution! It doesn't exactly draw you into the plot either does it? Perhaps the story is that of a sad freak of nature who was born with a helicopter instead of a left arm, and now spends his days hovering about town trying in vain to gun down criminals like some kind of gyro-coptic superhero.. let's call him 'Helicopter Boy'.. or 'Chopper Dude'.

IMDB synopsis: None. But a review..
''This is a fun movie provided it's not to taken too seriously.The plot is essentially an excuse to string together some great stunts that were quite high tech and breathtaking for their day. Abseiling down the side of the Sydney Hilton Hotel, dune buggy racing in a suburban shopping mall, and great pyrotechnics are just some of the many things you'll see. The film seems somewhat dated by todays standards, but still very enjoyable to watch.''
So no Chopper Dude? Pity - think they missed out there...

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